Monday, December 29, 2014


Is there anyone who doesn't like to go to traveling? I nothing so. Everyone will excited, either do I.
It's kind of proud, while you telling story in your elderly to your grandchild about your adventures. But in fact you have to earn money to get that joyful, right? And of course there is a time when you explorer the world with people who you loved to share the joy and happiness together. It will more meaningful right? So, let's earn money, saving, and spent with your life partner. Of course with partner with same passion isn't? 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What next?

Wuhuuu akhirnya kelar sidang proposal thesis, whooosaah.
Proses sidang yg lebih nyantai dengan penguji dan pembimbing yg baik hati dan superb keren!!! Terimakasih Prof Martani... terima kasih Pak Firmaaaan :D! 2 more to go! Ujian bahasa mandarin dan 1 lagi tugas uas yang harus dikelarin secara baik dan bijaksana wohoo! Setelah itu? Hmmm setelah itu ntar ada rencana lain kok teunaang
Apa rencananya???? Hmmm nantikan episode berikutnya ya cyin. Biar penasaran ajjah